An NSPCC practitioner playing with young children at a school.

How your money is spent

Your amazing donations, fundraising and campaigning helps us reach millions of children and young people. Over 80% of our income comes from those who choose to give to us. Here's what we do with it.

When you donate to the NSPCC, you have every right to find out how we spend the money you give us. Some of the most common questions our supporters ask us are answered below and you can find more information in our annual report.

If you have any other questions, please contact our Supporter Care team and we’ll be happy to tell you more.

What your money pays for

Every pound you donate helps us protect children and prevent abuse.

  • We visit schools and teach children abuse is never their fault and they can always speak out and get help.

  • We run our helpline and Childline for any adult or child to turn to for support.

  • We campaign for change and demand laws and rules needed to protect children.

  • We equip parents and carers with the knowledge, support and skills they need.

  • Through research we're constantly striving to find the best ways to protect children and prevent abuse.

  • We run therapeutic services to help children recover from abuse and get their lives back on track.

How much does the NSPCC spend on helping children?

Our latest annual report shows that in 2022/23 we spent £77.3 million on helping children, young people, families and the people who work with them.

How much money does the NSPCC make?

During 2022/23, our total income was £120.6 million. Our total expenditure for the same period was £103.5 million. 

How much does the NSPCC spend on admin?

Around 75p in every £1 we spend goes directly to helping children and young people. The rest is spent on making sure the NSPCC is providing the best possible services we can.

We owe it to the children we’re helping today, and those we want to help tomorrow, to make sure that the work we do will make the best possible, most positive impact on their lives.

This means having systems in place to find those children who need our help. It means spending money on publicity campaigns to let our supporters know what we’re doing and the positive impact it’s having on children and young people – and to attract new people to help us in our work. It also means reaching people across the country, paying rent and staff costs in our regional and national offices (and paying those staff a fair salary), as well as attracting the best people to work for us.

Why do you spend money on advertising rather than spending it all on children?

We believe advertising what we do now and what we want to do in the future is helping children. Without it, we wouldn’t attract as many donations as we do – and as over 80% of our funding comes directly from people like you giving us money, we have to try to reach as many people as we can.

Our annual reports