Sign up to Number Day

Number Day 2025 has passed, but you can still take part and get access to the free resources by filling out the form below.

We’ll also add you to the list for Number Day 2026! If you need more information, please visit the Number Day home page.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory

Estimated time to complete: 2 minutes

If you're having issues completing the form, please contact

Please input your school's postcode below*

Would you like to receive other communications about our professional training, events, latest news, services and resources?
If you answered yes to the above, please let us know how you'd like to hear from us.
Would you be happy for us to contact you about your school being mentioned in a local press release?

By completing this form you agree to receiving all current and future information about Number Day. You do have the right to remove your consent by emailing You can find out about how we use and look after your data by viewing our privacy policy.